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Environ:bit Add on for the Microbit Pimoroni

Manufacturer: Pimoroni
Sense the world around you with enviro:bit! It's loaded with sensors for air and weather, colour and light, and sound, and slots right onto your microbit. Just slot in your micro:bit, then code enviro:bit with the block-based Microsoft MakeCode editor, or with MicroPython in the Mu code editor. The sensors go hand-in-hand really well with the LED matrix on micro:bit, letting you graph sensors readings or have the LEDs react to sound, for example. The enviro:bit comes fully assembled and ready to use so there is no soldering required!

Pimoroni have created a set of custom blocks in the Microsoft MakeCode Editor for the enviro:bit. To add them to the editor; select the cog in the top right of the editor, then select 'Extensions' from the drop down menu. Now, type end enter Pimoroni into the search bar and select the envirobit tile. You will now have access to the custom blocks that you can use in your code. Note: The enviro:bit does NOT include a micro:bit board. The micro:bit will need to be purchased separately.

  • Comes fully-assembled and ready to use.
  • BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor.
  • TCS3472 light and colour sensor.
  • MEMS microphone.
  • Compatible with micro:bit.
  • Microsoft MakeCode and MicroPython support.
  • No soldering required!

  • SKU: PIM 355
    Availability: 60 in stock
    Old price: €31.95
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