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Unleash the Halloween Spirit with SG Education & Art Shop’s Snazaroo Face Paints: Step-by-Step Guide to Classic Designs! 🎃👻

Unleash the Halloween Spirit with SG Education & Art Shop’s Snazaroo Face Paints: Step-by-Step Guide to Classic Designs! 🎃👻

Unleash the Halloween Spirit with SG Education & Art Shop’s Snazaroo Face Paints: Step-by-Step Guide to Classic Designs! 🎃👻


 Halloween is just around the corner, and what better way to embrace the spooky spirit than with our own Snazaroo face paints! Get ready to dazzle and frighten with our step-by-step guide to classic and popular Halloween designs that will leave everyone in awe. Whether you're a seasoned face painter or trying it for the first time, our easy-to-follow instructions will ensure you create bewitching looks with Snazaroo face paints. 

Unleash the Halloween magic with us! 🌙🎨 Check out our Halloween section for everything you need this spooky season.


Survive any apocalypse with this next-level Special FX Zombie Face Paint look. Carve out cuts and create bloody scars with the Snazaroo Special FX Wax & Gel Blood to elevate your spooky Halloween look, in just 3 easy steps:

1 - Using the FX wax create 2 or 3 ‘cuts’ and stick to the side of face. 
2 - Sponge white paint on one side of the face and add black and purple shading.
3 - Finally, in black, paint the cracked effect down the centre of the face. Outline the ‘cuts’ with black detail. Add burgundy colour to the cracks and add gel blood to the ‘cuts’. 



Get this freakish Frankenstein look in 3 easy steps! Bolts, blood and scars complete this transformation and will terrify all who gets in his way :

1 - Sponge Dark Green Face Paint all over the face. Add Black paint to the eyebrow area by dabbing with the sponge.
2 - Using a brush and White paint, create the bolts to the sides of each eye. Add the scars and stitches to the cheeks, forehead and sides of the mouth.
3 - Finally, with a brush and Bright Red, go over the scars. Do the same with Black paint to the side of mouth. Add a spiky Black hair fringe to the forehead.


Searching for some inspiration from the graveyard? Get the bones rattling with this quick and easy three step skeleton design : 

1 - With white paint and a slightly wet sponge, paint the whole face white leaving space around the eyes.
2 - With a brush and orange paint, add circles around the eyes.
3 - With a small brush draw small circles around the eyes and around the orange circles. As well as small circles in the shape of a semi-circle on the cheek, add some lines to create a scar. Colour in the top of the nose with black paint and a small brush, ending in two peaks at the top. Leave a small space open between the two peaks on the nose.


Sharpen your fangs! Transform into a spooktacular Vampire this Halloween with this simple 3 step guide to achieve the vampire bat face paint look. And don’t forget to use our fangtastic stencils to elevate your look with bats and spider webs! : 

1- Sponge the white paint all over the face.
2 - Paint on the fangs in white, then draw on the highlights with black paint and blend with a sponge to create shadow effects.
3- Finally, sponge the spider web stencil onto the forehead and bats stencil onto the cheek. Then outline the fangs in black and add the bright red blood. 
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