Reading Rods® Simple Sentences Reading Kit. Build simple sentences the hands-on way with this popular multisensory kit!
Begin building basic sentences with this popular hands-on kit! Children develop reading fluency, beginning writing skills and an understanding of word relationships as they explore parts of speech and building simple sentences. Skills taught include: Building and writing simple sentences with basic sentence patterns, capitalisation, types of sentences and punctuation, recognise synonyms, anatonyms and homophones, parts of speech
Kit includes: Set of 160 colour-coded Reading Rods®, 24 double-sided Activity Cards, 48-page Instruction & Activity Book, 4 activity trays and storage tub. Use with 1-4 students. Ages 6-10
Build vocabulary, improve sight word recognition and increase fluency with this Big Box of Sentence Building. Ideal for introducing grammar and practising punctuation, each puzzle piece features a word that can be clipped together with other pieces to form sentences. Colour-coded by the part of speech it represents, the puzzle pieces are ideal for a range of activities around sentence construction. Includes 250 puzzle pieces (50 x 50 mm) plus 4-page booklet with teaching suggestions and games.
Build Vocabulary
Increase fluency
Introduce grammar
Teach punctuation
Learning Outcomes
Pupils should be encouraged to read all the words in a sentence and to do this accurately
Encapsulate what they want to say, sentence by sentence
Re-read to check that their writing makes sense
Proof-read to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation (for example, ends of sentences punctuated correctly)
Bring literacy to life with the Active Literacy Kit! Developed and designed by Dyslexia Action, the Active Literacy Kit has been carefully created for pupils who require additional support with reading and spelling, whether they are dyslexic or not.
The Active Literacy Kit includes 144 sound and picture cards, a teacher’s handbook, an exercise guide, placement assessments and an array of pupil books, as well as much more! Aimed at pupils of 7 years and over, this comprehensive resource creates a fantastic framework to support children with dyslexia and other literacy difficulties across the whole of Key Stage 2. The programme offers a super series of structured activities and timed exercises which strengthen phonological awareness and word recognition, building the foundational skills needed for fluent reading and spelling.
100% Comprehension using Fiction and Non-Fiction texts.
The Comprehension Box for 3rd-4th Class contains:
150 colourfully illustrated cards with texts covering a variety of genres and text types.
15 colour-coded sections.
Pupil Tracking Sheet Pad.
Questions on the back of each card.
Answer cards.
Scope and sequence chart.
A comprehensive Teachers Guide providing suggestions on how to explicitly teach comprehension strategies along with answers and pupil and teacher recording sheets.
Flexible use within the classroom
Pupils could be grouped according to reading level, work on the cards in a particular colour and then discuss and summarise what they have learned with their peers.
Capable, independent readers can work through the cards at their own pace, freeing up the teacher’s time to work intensively with different groups in the class.
Ideal for differentiation.
Teachers can easily assign the colour-coded cards to each pupil’s reading level.
Ten cards in each colour-coded section ensure that pupils practise comprehension strategies using a variety of texts and comprehension activities.
Each colour-coded section gradually increases in reading difficulty, leading to constant progression.
Pupils working on the same coloured section can alternate cards and engage in various station activities over ten lessons.
100% Comprehension using Fiction and Non-Fiction texts.
Flexible use within the classroom:
Pupils could be grouped according to reading level, work on the cards in a particular colour and then discuss and summarise what they have learned with their peers.
Capable, independent readers can work through the cards at their own pace, freeing up the teacher’s time to work intensively with different groups in the class.
Ideal for differentiation.
Teachers can easily assign the colour-coded cards to each pupil’s reading level.
Ten cards in each colour-coded section ensure that pupils practise comprehension strategies using a variety of texts and comprehension activities.
The Comprehension Boxfor 5th-6th Class contains:
150 colourfully illustrated cards with texts covering a variety of genres and text types.
15 colour-coded sections.
Pupil Tracking Sheet Pad.
Questions on the back of each card.
Answer cards.
Scope and sequence chart.
A comprehensive Teachers Guide providing suggestions on how to explicitly teach comprehension strategies along with answers and pupil and teacher recording sheets.
Spark discussions that will get all of your students talking. Colourful 4cm soft foam cubes feature 36 engaging questions about students experiences and perspectives, including "Who is the bravest person you know?" and "What foods do you like?" Use in character development activities, brainstorming before writing, and to build oral language, social and listening skills. Activity Guide included.
This Student Book is designed to improve students' functional grammar skills. It allows and encourages all students to grasp the fundamentals of grammar through humour, real world examples and a variety of activities.
It includes: New engaging material and activities Regular peer and self assessment so students take control of their learning Accessible and manageable chucks of learning that can be dipped into where necessary A striking design to aid motivation.
This series provides audio lessons and photocopiable worksheets to support those pupils who need to develop listening skills, improve short-term memory and learn to make deductions from sounds, statements or passages of text that have listened to.
Within package is 5 kits (Book 1, Book 2, Book 2A, Book 3 & Book 4)
Kit 1 : Familiar sounds give rise to questions Where? When? Why with multiple-choice answers. Description for finish the picture exercises. Passages for Listen and Look exercises. Kit 2 : Five short linked passages followed by questions. Listen and Look exercises linked to preceding passages. Kit 2A : Complete story - 2 audio passages per page, each followed by 4 questions. Kit 3 : Each lessons tells a chapter in the story of 'Finding the Castle' and is followed by questions which require written answers. Where appropriate, the work could be done orally. Kit 4 : Each lesson tells a chapter in the story 'Moving On' and is followed by questions which require written answers. In the same style as Kit 3 but at a more difficult level.
Practising Punctuation consists of 5 titles designed for pupils at Key Stage 2 and 3, who need additional support to identify and use punctuation correctly in everyday situations. Each book addresses a wide range of punctuation rules arranged in units of two pages. The first page explains the punctuation rule and gives clear examples, together with a simple exercise for the pupil to complete. The second page provides a more complex task and / or extension exercise.
In addition each book provides regular test pages to check the pupil’s understanding of the rules addressed. A pupil record sheet at the back of the book allows the teacher to plot progress and record comments on individual achievement. There are also four Punctuation Puzzle pages to reinforce and revisit what the children have learned in each book. A Quick Reference Guide at the back of each book summarises the punctuation rules addressed in that book. Book 5, the tests can be used for initial assessment prior to working through the Practising Punctuation series or indeed as a form of assessment after working through the series to establish the level of punctuation accuracy achieved.
Book 1 Capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks. Book 2 Apostrophes and inverted commas. Book 3 Phrases, sentences and paragraphs. Book 4 Colons, semi-colons, brackets, dashes and hyphens. Book 5 Practising Punctuation Test Sheets.
Our best selling Hot Dots and the Jolly Grammar framework combine for rewarding learning fun. Developed in partnership with Jolly Learning, this card set is perfect for reinforcing lesson content. Students touch the interactive pen to a Hot Dot, and the Talking Hot Dots® Pen responds instantly to correct answers with a green light and positive reinforcement sounds. Incorrect answers receive a red light and a gentle wrong answer sound or phrase.
Set includes 72 activities to encompass a range of topics covered by Jolly Grammar, including parts of speech, alphabet order, upper- and lowercase letters, plurals and tenses. Supplied in a cardboard storage case. Cards measure 9cm x 12.5cm. Use with our Talking Hot Dots® Pens, sold separately! Ages 5-8
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