Inventors Kit Additional Free Resources:

Exp No#.Experiment Name.Resource Type.
1Say Hello to the BBC micro:bit.Further Help.
2 Pre V1.7Using an LDR and analog inputs.Full Experiment + Further Help.
2 V1.7Using a Light Sensor & analog inputs.Full Experiment + Further Help.
3Dimming an LED using a potentiometer.Further Help.
4Using a transistor to drive a motor.Full Experiment + Further Help.
5Using the accelerometer to control motor speed.Further Help.
6Setting the tone with a piezo buzzer.Further Help.
7Wind Power.Full Experiment + Further Help.
8Making a game using the compass.Further Help.
9Capacitor charge circuit.Further Help.
10Using an RGB LED.Further Help.
11Making a pedestrian crossing.Full Experiment + Further Help.
12Making a random dice.Full Experiment + Further Help.